[As of January 2019]

Japanese Patent Law

(Patent Term)
Article 67
(1)  The term of a patent right expires after a period of 20 years from the filing date of the patent application.
(2)  If there is a period during which it is not possible for a person to work the patent invention due to the need to obtain permission under the provisions of the law that is intended to ensure safety, etc. of working the patent invention or to be issued any other disposition that Cabinet Order specifies as one that it require considerable time to properly reach due to things such as the purpose of the disposition and procedures, etc., involved in it, the term of patent right may be extended, upon the filing of an application to register an extension for a maximum of five years.

(Registration of Patent Term Extension)
Article 67-2
(1)  A person filing an application to register a patent term extension must submit a written application to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office stating the following:
  (i)  the name, and the domicile or residence of the applicant;
  (ii)  the patent number;
  (iii)  the period for which the extension is requested (not exceeding 5 years); and
  (iv)  the details of the disposition designated by Cabinet Order as referred to in Article 67, paragraph (2).
(2)  A written application as referred to in the preceding paragraph must be accompanied by materials specifying the grounds for the extension, pursuant to Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
(3)  An application to register a patent term extension must be filed within the period prescribed by Cabinet Order after the issuance of Cabinet Order- specified disposition as referred to in Article 67, paragraph (2); provided, however, that the written application may not be filed after the passage of the term of patent prescribed in Article 67, paragraph (1).
(4)  If a patent right is jointly owned, none of the joint owners may file an application to register a patent term extension unless doing so jointly with all the other joint owners.
(5)  When an application to register a patent term extension is filed, the duration is deemed to have been extended; provided, however, that this does not apply once the examiner's decision rejecting such an application becomes final and binding or once a registration is made indicating that the term of patent extension has been registered.
(6)  If an application to register a patent term extension is filed, the matters set forth in the items of paragraph (1) and the number and the filing date of the application must be published in the patent gazette.

Article 67-2-2
(1)  If it is projected not to be possible for person filing an application to register a patent term extension to be issued a Cabinet Order- specified disposition as referred to in Article 67, paragraph (2)  the day before that which falls six months prior to the expiration of the term of a patent as prescribed in Article 67, paragraph (1), a person filing an application to register a patent term extension must submit a document to the Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office stating the following,, on or before that day :
  (i)  the name, and domicile or residence of the person filing the application;
  (ii)  the patent number; and
  (iii)  the disposition designated by Cabinet Order as referred to in Article 67, paragraph (2).
(2)  Unless the document required that must be submitted pursuant to the preceding paragraph is submitted, an application to register a patent term extension may not be filed after six months or less before the expiration of the term of the patent right as prescribed in Article 67, paragraph (1).
(3)  Once the document as provided in paragraph (1) is submitted, the matters set forth in each item of the paragraph must be published in the patent gazette.
(4)  If a person that submits a document pursuant to paragraph (1) is unable to submit the document within the period provided in the paragraph due to reasons beyond the person's control, the person may submit the document within 14 days (if the person is an overseas resident, within one month) from the date on which the reasons ceased to be applicable, but not later than two months following the date prescribed in the paragraph, notwithstanding the provisions of the paragraph.

Article 67-3
(1)  If an application to register a patent term extension falls under any of the following items, the examiner must issue a decision to the effect that the application is to be rejected:
  (i)  it is not found to be necessary to receive the disposition designated by Cabinet Order as referred to in Article 67, paragraph (2) for the working of the patented invention;
  (ii)  the patentee, or the person with the exclusive license or a non-exclusive license to the patent has not received the disposition designated by Cabinet Order as referred to in Article 67, paragraph (2);
  (iii)  the requested length of the extension exceeds the period during which it was not possible to work the patent invention;
  (iv)  the person filing the application is not the patentee; or
  (v)  the application does not meet the requirements stipulated in Article 67-2, paragraph (4).
(2)  If no grounds for rejection are found for the application to register a patent term extension, the examiner must reach a decision to the effect that the extension is to be registered.
(3)  If an examiner's decision or decision on a trial or appeal to the effect that the patent term extension is to be registered is rendered, the patent term extension is registered.
(4)  Whenever a registration as referred to in the preceding paragraph is made, the following matters must be published in the patent gazette:
  (i)  the name and the domicile or residence of the patentee;
  (ii)  the patent number;
  (iii)  the number and filing date of the application to register a patent term extension;
  (iv)  the date of the registration of the extension;
  (v)  the length of the extension; and
  (vi)  the contents of the disposition designated by Cabinet Order as referred to in Article 67, paragraph (2).

Article 67-4
Article 47, paragraph (1), and Articles 48, 50 and 52 apply mutatis mutandis to the examination of an application to register a patent term extension.

(Effect of Patent Right)
Article 68
The patentee has an exclusive right to work the patented invention in the course of trade; provided, however, that if the patentee grants an exclusive license to the patent , this does not apply to the extent of the exclusive licensee's exclusive work the patented invention under the license.

(Effect of Patent Right in the Case of Term Extension)
Article 68-2
If the term of a patent right is extended (including if the term is deemed to have been extended pursuant to Article 67-2, paragraph (5)), the patent right is not effective against any act other than the working of the patented invention for the product that was the subject of a disposition designated by Cabinet Order as referred to in Article 67, paragraph (2) which constituted the grounds for the registration of the extension (when the specific use of the product is prescribed in the disposition, the product as it is used for that usage ).

Original text


2  特許権の存続期間は、その特許発明の実施について安全性の確保等を目的とする法律の規定による許可その他の処分であつて当該処分の目的、手続等からみて当該処分を的確に行うには相当の期間を要するものとして政令で定めるものを受けることが必要であるために、その特許発明の実施をすることができない期間があつたときは、五年を限度として、延長登録の出願により延長することができる。

一  出願人の氏名又は名称及び住所又は居所
二  特許番号
三  延長を求める期間(五年以下の期間に限る。)
四  前条第二項の政令で定める処分の内容
2  前項の願書には、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、延長の理由を記載した資料を添付しなければならない。
3  特許権の存続期間の延長登録の出願は、前条第二項の政令で定める処分を受けた日から政令で定める期間内にしなければならない。ただし、同条第一項に規定する特許権の存続期間の満了後は、することができない。
4  特許権が共有に係るときは、各共有者は、他の共有者と共同でなければ、特許権の存続期間の延長登録の出願をすることができない。
5  特許権の存続期間の延長登録の出願があつたときは、存続期間は、延長されたものとみなす。ただし、その出願について拒絶をすべき旨の査定が確定し、又は特許権の存続期間を延長した旨の登録があつたときは、この限りでない。
6  特許権の存続期間の延長登録の出願があつたときは、第一項各号に掲げる事項並びにその出願の番号及び年月日を特許公報に掲載しなければならない。

一  出願をしようとする者の氏名又は名称及び住所又は居所
二  特許番号
三  第六十七条第二項の政令で定める処分
2  前項の規定により提出すべき書面を提出しないときは、第六十七条第一項に規定する特許権の存続期間の満了前六月以後に特許権の存続期間の延長登録の出願をすることができない。
3  第一項に規定する書面が提出されたときは、同項各号に掲げる事項を特許公報に掲載しなければならない。
4  第一項の規定により同項に規定する書面を提出する者がその責めに帰することができない理由により同項に規定する日までにその書面を提出することができないときは、同項の規定にかかわらず、その理由がなくなつた日から十四日(在外者にあつては、一月)以内で同項に規定する日の後二月以内にその書面を特許庁長官に提出することができる。

一  その特許発明の実施に第六十七条第二項の政令で定める処分を受けることが必要であつたとは認められないとき。
二  その特許権者又はその特許権についての専用実施権若しくは通常実施権を有する者が第六十七条第二項の政令で定める処分を受けていないとき。
三  その延長を求める期間がその特許発明の実施をすることができなかつた期間を超えているとき。
四  その出願をした者が当該特許権者でないとき。
五  その出願が第六十七条の二第四項に規定する要件を満たしていないとき。
2  審査官は、特許権の存続期間の延長登録の出願について拒絶の理由を発見しないときは、延長登録をすべき旨の査定をしなければならない。
3  特許権の存続期間の延長登録をすべき旨の査定又は審決があつたときは、特許権の存続期間を延長した旨の登録をする。
4  前項の登録があつたときは、次に掲げる事項を特許公報に掲載しなければならない。
一  特許権者の氏名又は名称及び住所又は居所
二  特許番号
三  特許権の存続期間の延長登録の出願の番号及び年月日
四  延長登録の年月日
五  延長の期間
六  第六十七条第二項の政令で定める処分の内容




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