Technical field: Pigment/Dye (e.g., inkjet technology, colored composition, color filter). Status: Japanese granted patents in 2019 (registration date)....
Firm ranking : Article list
Technical field: Adhesive material (adhesive composition/film/sheet, etc.). Status: Japanese granted patents in 2019 (registration date)....
Technical field: Catheter (balloon catheter, robotic catheter system, intravenous catheter apparatus, etc.). Status: Japanese granted patents in 2019 (reg...
Technical field: Sound (digital audio processing, tuning device, speech processing, voice search, noise cancellation, microphone, piano, electronic instru...
Technical field: Sound (digital audio processing, tuning device, speech processing, voice search, noise cancellation, microphone, piano, electronic instru...
Technical field: Sound (digital audio processing, tuning device, speech processing, voice search, noise cancellation, microphone, piano, electronic instru...
Technical field: Electronic circuit (electronic circuit device/component, semiconductor integrated circuit, etc.). Status: Japanese granted patents in 201...
Technical field: Electronic circuit (electronic circuit device/component, semiconductor integrated circuit, etc.). Status: Japanese granted patents in 201...
Technical field: Electronic circuit (electronic circuit device/component, semiconductor integrated circuit, etc.). Status: Japanese granted patents in 201...
Technical field: Hybrid Car (control device, power supply system, electric power conversion device for hybrid vehicle, etc.). Status: Japanese granted pat...
<2019-All> Firm Ranking of the number of Japanese granted patents in the Healthcare×IT field in 2019
Technical field: Healthcare×IT (Healthcare informatics, Electronic health record, health monitoring system, etc.). Status: Japanese granted patents in 201...
Technical field: IoT (IoT technology having broad facet classification: safe driving support system, study support system, smart kitchen devices, etc.). S...
Technical field: IT (information technology, computer Software, computer program, method using software, etc.). Status: Japanese granted patents in 2019 (...
Technical field: IT (information technology, computer Software, computer program, method using software, etc.). Status: Japanese granted patents in 2019 (...
Technical field: IT (information technology, computer Software, computer program, method using software, etc.). Status: Japanese granted patents in 2019 (...
Technical field: Pharmaceutical (pharmaceutical composition, medicine, API, production method of thereof, etc.). Status: Japanese granted patents in 2019 ...
<2019-JP> Firm Ranking of the number of Japanese granted patents in the Pharmaceutical field in 2019
Technical field: Pharmaceutical (pharmaceutical composition, medicine, API, production method of thereof, etc.). Status: Japanese granted patents in 2019 ...
Technical field: Pharmaceutical (pharmaceutical composition, medicine, API, production method of thereof, etc.). Status: Japanese granted patents in 2019 ...
<2018-All> Firm Ranking of the number of Japanese granted patents in the Heat exchange field in 2018
Technical field: Heat exchange (air-conditioning apparatus, heat pump system, heat sink, liquid cooling system, gas turbine engine, heat engine system for...
Technical field: Clothing (shirt, shirt collar, bra, wetsuit, hair extension, footwear, belt, flame resistant garment, etc.). Status: Japanese granted pat...
Technical field: AI (a population consists of patent applications that contain artificial intelligence-related terms in the full text). Status: Japanese g...
Daisuke Tokushige
I work for a Japanese IP law firm called SK Intellectual Property Law Firm. My work includes preparing patent specification, response to office action, patent search, and advising a company on patent issues.