The following table shows the ranking of United States IP law firm. The ranking is based on the following conditions.

  • Technical field:  Fluid dynamics (fluid-pressure actuators, fluid-circuit elements, fluid dynamics in general, etc.)
  • Status:  United States granted patents in 2018 (registration date).
  • Count:  The number of patents represented by each United States IP law firm, attorney or agent was counted.  Even if attorney or agent belongs to a law firm, they were counted separately.
RankingNo.IP law firm
127Oblon McClelland Maier & Neustadt
224Crowell & Moring
321Rabin & Berdo
420Wenderoth Lind & Ponack
515Cantor Colburn
614Merchant & Gould
714Renner Otto Boisselle & Sklar
910Harness Dickey & Pierce
1010Sughrue Mion
129Marshall Gerstein & Borun
139Maginot Moore & Beck
148Finnegan Henderson Farabow Garrett & Dunner
168Kinney & Lange
177Taft Stettinius & Hollister
187Miller Matthias & Hull
197Snell & Wilmer
207Honigman Miller Schwartz & Cohn
In preparing the table, a patent search expert conducted a patent search using patent classification and keywords (as necessary) in order to extract patents in specific technical field (here, Fluid dynamics field).
In the patent search, it was confirmed that a high-accuracy population (i.e., a population not including non-relevant fields) of patents was obtained. Subsequently, the population was used to create the table.

By entering the Firm name in the "Attorney or Agent" column of USPTO database, you can find the patent information handled by each Firm.

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